Protecting Aotearoa
New Zealand's Waterways
Ko te wai te ora ngā mea kātoa
Water is the life giver of all things
Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) is managed locally by Plastics New Zealand. OCS is an international, industry-led programme helping companies eliminate plastic pellet, flake, and powder loss to the environment.
Here in New Zealand, plastics-handling sites must pass an audit to gain OCS certification. This helps ensure that the correct measures are in place to prevent raw plastics from polluting our precious awa (rivers) and moana (oceans).
No one wants to cause pollution, but accidents happen. Without the proper equipment and procedures in place, spills are easily blown or washed into stormwater drains. These drains connect to natural water systems, and ultimately the moana (ocean).
From Site, to Sea...
Watch to understand how spilled resin flows from site to sea.
All players across the plastics supply chain have a role to play in preventing pollution of our waterways.
What can you do?
Resin handling sites including:
Resin Producers
Logistics and Warehousing
Plastics Manufacturers, Recyclers, and Reprocessors
Resin Handling Sites
can join their local OCS programme, ensuring their sites meet OCS plastics handling and spill management standards.
Brand and Retailers
Brands and retailers that benefit from using plastics in their packaging and/or products can support the programme by:
requiring suppliers to be OCS certified
promoting the benefits of the programme through their website and comms.

Partnering Companies
Companies that offer a tangible benefit to the OCS programme such as:
Spill clean-up services
Spill containment equipment
can offer incentives and advice to support companies in meeting OCS certification.
Partners and Supporters
We're excited to announce the development of our 'OCS NZ Partners and Supporters Programme'. This initiative aims to create valuable collaborations with companies to advance our mission of mitigating plastic resin pollution.
Partners and Supporters will have the chance to engage with OCS NZ by offering incentives to OCS NZ certified companies and promoting the programme through supply chains.
The programme will is set to go live in 2025 and we are keen to hear from interested companies! Follow the links to find out more.